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I Survived the Attack of the Grizzlies, 1967: I Survived, Book 17
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Product details
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Audible Audiobook
Listening Length: 2 hours and 3 minutes
Program Type: Audiobook
Version: Unabridged
Publisher: Scholastic Audio Release Date: September 25, 2018
Whispersync for Voice: Ready
Language: English, English
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
This book popped up on a recently released list for me, and I ended up buying it on a whim. I don't have kids in this age range, but my nephew reads anything he can get his hands on, so I'm constantly looking out for books for him. He's really sensitive and impressionable though, so I usually get the kindle versions and read them myself before I get the paperbacks for him. And honestly, this story was just perfect. It was part mystery part thriller, with a good moral, and a sweet ending. Even I got chills in a couple of places, lol! No exaggeration. This was one of my favorites:"And that's when she noticed something strange...the total silence. The owls had stopped hooting. The night bugs weren't buzzing. The whole forest seemed to be holding its breath.And then Mel heard a twig snap. Leaves rustling. Deep, wheezing breaths.The hairs on Mel's arms stood straight up.She wasn't alone. Something was here.Something big."I actually didn't get my nephew this paperback. I think he's going to love the author enough I took a chance and ordered the first 3 books in this series!!! :)
"Not NEARLY as good as the last ones, Mom. It was TERRIBLE."He should know, he's read all of them.My take on it: Wolverines HAVE picked fights with Grizzlies. AND WON. Grandpa is full of it.Lauren Tarshis said, "She read at least twenty different books, watched videos and studied photographs and maps." I guess wolverines were in none of them.Also, they ARE bloodthirsty beasts. They eat whatever comes across their path, including people. Including those poor women this book is based on who were attacked WHILE SLEEPING. If THAT'S not bloodthirsty, she and I have ENTIRELY different takes on what that word means.I've not read the book, myself, but just these two inaccuracies make me wonder what else is incorrect....
Weeeeeeeel...... Let's just say it's not as good as the other books in the series. One thing I noticed was that Grandpa is wrong. Wolverines actually do win fights sometimes; and it says pacificy, in the book, that Lauren Tarshis researched all the information. Well, I guess she didn't read any books about Wolverines! Besides the bad information,this was a decent book. I like Lauren Tarshis.
For any who think these might be too scary - the series has helped my 10-year old conquerr some anxieties, especially about natural disasters. He has been reading these since he was eight.
My 10 year old loves these books! We started buying them when he was 8 or 9. Love how they mix a fiction Children's story with historical facts. My kiddo loves them and learns from them too. Fun to read!
Both my girls love all the I Survived books. And to be honest I like reading them too. They have great historic information and are exciting to read every chapter is a cliffhanger. I read them to my 8 year old and my ten-year-old loves to read them at bedtime. Will definitely buy more of these
Great condition. My 5th grader loves this series. He learns even more than what is taught in school.
Bought this for my son for Christmas. Then his sister (10 years old) bought it for him at a school book fair in October before I could give it to him. I can't win.
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